

If you have an attention span as short as mine, feel free to skip to the TL;DR.

By noticing them missing in a good deal of projects and the friction and occasional frustration that came with it, I have came up with a list of things I would like to have in place before I start writing even a single line of code.

This list attempts to address three questions:

  • What is this project and/or what purpose does it solve?
  • How does one run it or use it?
  • How can one contribute?

Those are answered, I believe, by having a few essential things in place:

  • A well written README file - this is the first introduction to my project, so I will put extra care to make sure it’s clear, concise, semantically, and syntactically correct.
  • A script (Makefile, npm scripts) that helps run or use this project; if it’s a library, have documentation, with copious examples of usage.
    It can be part of the README - if not, the README should include a prominent link to this documentation.
  • Build script and Continuous Integration - the latter is in particular so easy to set up nowadays there’s no good excuse not to.
    Include linters and style guide (e.g. pep8).
  • Guidelines on how to contribute:
    • call out expectations and requirements for pull requests (e.g. documentation, tests, other artifacts);
    • set up templates for submitting issues and request improvements;
    • Set up a code of conduct, even if I’m the only contributor. It’s something to read when I get upset or frustrated (we’re all humans);
  • Publish scripts: nuget, npm, pypi all have their own preferred formats (optional but highly recommended if it’s a library);

With that in mind, here how the first 30 minutes before I write any code look like:

T-30: Head over to GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab and create a new repo with a README.
Select the .gitignore appropriate to my project as well as the license.

T-29: Clone the repo on my computer. Open the README.

T-29: Take 5 minutes to document what the project does and what problem it solves. Add links to any relevant resources (e.g. blog posts, Stack Overflow).

T-24: Set up the directory structure.

T-23: Create a minimal build script. I use:

  • Cake for .Net projects;
  • scripts node in package.json for JavaScript project;
  • For Python projects I like using the requests Makefile and Kenneth Reitz’s

Add nodes/entries for linting (pep8, flake8, eslint) and unit testing (even if I don’t have any yet).

T-18: Go back to the README and add a section about how to run the script.

T-15: Add CI integration: Travis CI for Linux and AppVeyor for Windows projects; or both.
The build script should come in handy for this step.

T-10: Back to the README, add the AppVeyor and Travis badges so visitors know the current status of my build.

T-9: Add support for Snyk to help with vulnerability monitoring.

T-7: If the provider support it, I spend a few minutes creating issue templates to help with reporting defects and suggest improvement; if not, document in the README the type of information needed for defects.

T-4: Consider adding contributing guidelines and adopting a Code of Conduct.

T-1: Add an ## Examples or ## Usage node to the README as a reminder to add more documentation once the code or interfaces get fleshed-out.

T-0: Happy coding.

TL;DR / Checklist

  1. Repo with .gitignore, license, and README;
  2. Immediately document what the project does and what problem it solves;
  3. Set up folder structure;
  4. Create minimal build script;
  5. Add to README instructions on how to run the build script or the project via the build script;
  6. Add CI integration; add badges for CI status;
  7. Add configuration for Snyk to help detect vulnerabilities;
  8. Write issue templates or document how to report issues;
  9. Add contributing guide lines and Code of Conduct;
  10. Add Examples and Usage entries in README to fill in later.